Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm back in one of those cycles where I just don't have time to paint, and every day I walk past the painting several times, longing to work on it. I'm so close to being finished. I'm eager to see how it turns out, and I'm eager to start the next one (the Horse Fountain on the Green). I also feel a little bit of guilt-ridden pressure, since the frames for both paintings were ordered back in January and have been languishing at Goldsmith's. If my cash flow were better, I'd pay for them before needing them. Instead, I have to assuage my guilt by telling myself that I've been doing my framing at Goldsmith's long enough for them to know that it takes me a couple months to finish a painting. Maybe one of my paintings currently at The Waterbury Club will sell; then I could pay for the frames.


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